Happy Tuesday Night!
I hope everyone had a good weekend! This weekend was pretty good and I think I've started the week off pretty good as well. I didn't make it to the gym on Saturday but I did make it on Sunday, Monday and today. When I went to the gym on Sunday I ran into one of my friends who is also on a weight loss journey and we finished our workout together and met up tonight. I can totally see how having a workout buddy can really be worthwile, this being said,I have a big problem with speaking before thinking. On Sunday after my friend and I worked out she asked me when we could workout together again and I told her Tuesday night (tonight), knowing my ass worked at both hospitals. "Oh yea girl, I can be there by 9." So as I get off of my second job at 8:20p I text her letting her know I just got off of work. I am tired as shit and my legs are sore as hell from my workout with my trainer yesterday and working out Sunday and she asks me if I was still up for working out. My mind is screaming hell to the no, but my fingers decided to text "Do you want to go the gym?" Her response "Sure let's do it! :)" Freak it! My ass is going to the gym. "I'll be there by 9:30." So I eat a tangerine on my way home get there, get dressed and walk right back out the door. So long story short we get a good hour long workout in. I'm glad I went to the gym and I know if it wasn't for my friend I wouldn't have went. So instead of going home, sitting on my couch and catching up on Once Upon a Time on my DVR I went to the gym! Better choice!
So in my last post I mentioned I was going to a surprise birthday dinner at one of my achilles' heels Mexican at No Mas. If you don't know I'm a sucker for Mexican food. I don't know if it's the Texas in me, but I.love.it. So the meal wasn't the big deal, I just got quesadillas, nothing major, but I did get all fancy. I had a new dress, fishnet tights and my 5 3/4 heels on. I thought I was the shit. Then I saw the pics of the night. Now don't get me wrong they weren't all bad, but there was one of them made me tell the person who took the picture, it wasn't good enough that he untag me, he had to take it down. I guess the picture reminded me how I have so much work to do. I mean the pic was bad. I looked like a bad built lump on a log. But instead of being defeated, I'm just letting it show me what I don't want to be anymore. Ughhh freaking cameras. Anywho and the beat goes on.
NSV: This weekend after work I was really on the run and I had to make a fast food stop b/c I was starving. I chose Chic fil a and guess what I ordered: a 6 piece grilled chicken nugget kids meal with fruit. Talking about making a better choice! Now the grilled chicken nuggets are new to the menu and hella nasty (IMO) but it was better than the Chic fila a sandwich with cheese with waffle fries that I would usually get. It was funny b/c as I was about to order my regular #1, I looked at the kids meal and that's what came out of mouth. No take backs, so I kept the order and it satisfied me.
Weigh in: 317. Down 1.8. I was expecting more, but a hey a loss is a loss!